Our Books

Technological Innovation in Digital Workplaces across Continents

Dr Namita Dixit


Paperback and e – book




146 Pages


Rs. 650/- ( $18 )

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Technological Innovations in Digital Workplaces across continent is all out us. In this current environment created by us, for us, to our advantage.

The Book talks about ecotourism and its sustenance in the new normal post global pandemic and the introduction of the electric vehicles across continents to fight the malice of the society caused by fuel vehicles. The automatic and new age vehicle changing the new driving and experience in the current days are phenomenal breakthroughs for the coming generation. The Adoption of cassava production technologies for production in Nigeria is a perfect way the life is changing for rural farmers. It is happening all across continents across the globe.

Finance is the lifeblood of any nations. International Payments are governed by global currencies. Blockchain Technology is a problem solver for any blockages in dealing cross borders. It is governed by its own set of rules, regulations and policies having acceptance of a community grown called as business hubs and business honchos. Cyber-attacks and hence cyber securities – another area tremendously and phenomenally on growth trajectory is the talk of the town. This is making its own impact. Trying to make it secure day by day, minute by minute. Any loophole in any innovation results in tremendous Loss, hue and cry. Plugging in leads to concealing it resulting in securing it.

Many chapters of the book have been derived from the theme such as information and communication technology., Artificial intelligence, sensors working for disabled or for library management and for fire management are all part of this precious collection. Many more theme are in pipeline and need to work on. This is the new age thinking, the process which has no end. Let us keep the momentum high and built to our advantage by controlling it. Technology is a Great Servant but a Worst Master…

  • About Editor

    Dr Namita Dixit is a prolific academician and researcher. She completed her PhD (International Business) from Lucknow University in the year 2004. She has a rich experience of over 22 years in the industry, including four years in corporate – Xerox Corporation, USA, where she worked in strategy building for startups, NGOs, Institution Building, Accreditation Committee and Administration. She has presented research papers at various international and national conferences. She has published her research work in various journals, magazines and proceedings of repute. She has organized various International Conferences, Business Summits and Symposiums for various institutes.

    Spearheading the International Business specialization, she collaborated with several universities and institutes in the US, Europe and the Middle East like IDRAC Business School, AISEC, Valparaiso University, GIIM and many more. She has also chaired technical sessions in various National & International Seminars/Conferences at various prestigious forums.

    Her Major subject domains are International Business, Strategic Management, Business Environment and Managerial Economics

    She is a Member of Editorial Advisory Board of:

    1. International Journal of Advance & Innovative Research (2394-7780) Impact Factor: 7.36 ( UGC Approved Journal No 63571 ) http://iaraedu.com/about-journal/

    2. International Journal of Research in Management & Social Science (2322-0899) Impact Factor: 6.45 http://www.empyreal.co.in/journal-current-issue.html.

    She has Conducted Number of Faculty Development Programme in the areas of Data Analysis using SPSS and Improving Teaching Pedagogy

    She has published a book titled, 'Convergence of Social Innovation and Digital Transformation in Business' having an ISBN: 978 -81-928555-5-4 by Cengage Publishing House India Pvt ltd headquartered in Boston, MA with an office hub located in San Francisco, CA.

    She has contributed a chapter titled 'A rational Analysis of Digital Intelligence in Boosting International Trade in the edited book "Digitalisation & Innovations in Business" having ISBN: 978-81-944813-1-7 by Empyreal Publishing House, and is available on publisher's website www.editedbook.in